Josh Daigle

Software Developer

Professional Experience

Software Developer @ Payworks
05/2022 - 08/2022
Payworks Logo
Winnipeg, MB (Remote)

Developed several pages and API routes to expand the features of the Payworks Software Suite.

Programmer/Analyst @ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
09/2021 - 12/2021
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Logo
Winnipeg, MB (Remote)

Created intuitive user interfaces and enable comprehensive activity cost sharing, financial planning, and resource allocation.

Software Developer @ Upfeat Media
01/2021 - 04/2021
Upfeat Media Logo Logo
Winnipeg, MB (Remote)

Build a web-based Covid-19 contact tracing application.

Full-StackVueJSNuxtJSJavascriptCSSGoogle Cloud


University of Manitoba - Bachelor of Science Major in Computer Science - Cooperative Option
09/2017 - 04/2023

Relavent Courses:

Data Structures and Algorithms: A+
Database Concepts and Usage: A+
Object Orientation: A+
Distributed Computing: A
Analysis of Algorithms: A
Computer Graphics 1: A
Human-Computer Interaction 2: A
Programming Practices: A
Technical Communication in CS: A
Professional Practices in CS: A
Elementary Discrete Mathmatics: A
Calculus 2: A+
©Josh Daigle 2023
Built With 🗲 ReactJS ● NextJS ● Typescript ● TailwindCSS ● Google Cloud Platform